Tuberculosis include to infectious diseases. Tuberculosis can attack on anyone. Tuberculosis cause is a Mikobakterium tuberkulosa bacterial. This rod-shaped bacteria and is resistant to acid and thus also known as Acid-resistant Rods (AFB). This type of bacteria was first found by someone named Robert Koch on March 24, 1882. To commemorate the services he then named bacterium baksil Koch. Tuberculosis disease in the lungs was also known as Koch Pulmonum (KP).

The transmission method of tuberculosis disease is through air that is contaminated by Mikobakterium tuberkulosa is released by the TUBERCULOSIS sufferers when coughing, children are generally the source of infection is derived from adults who suffer from tuberculosis. These bacteria get into the lungs and get together to evolve into many (especially in people who have low body durability), Even these bacteria also can experience the spread through blood vessels or lymph glands causing body organs infected such as the brain, kidneys, bones, indigestion, the lymph glands and other although most is lung.

Tuberculosis symptoms are classified into two parts, namely the common symptoms and specific symptoms. The difficulty of detecting and enforcing TB diagnosis is caused from the picture clinically that patients were not typical, especially on new cases.

1. common symptoms of tuberculosis.
- Fever is not very high that lasts long, usually felt the evening accompanied by night sweats. Sometimes fever attacks such as influenza and are missing out.
- Decreased appetite and weight loss.
- Cough for more than 3 weeks (can be accompanied by blood).
- Feeling unwell (malaise), weak.

2. Specific symptoms tuberculosis. Depending on which organs are affected, if there is a blockage a portion of bronchus (the channel that leads to the lungs) due to the emphasis that enlarged lymph glands, which accompanied the breath sounds congested weakened. If there is liquid in pleural (lung wrappers), can be accompanied by complaints of chest pains. When the bone, then it will happen like bone infection symptoms at some point can form channels and boils down to the skin on it, at the mouth of this will come out pus fluid.

Treatment of tuberculosis. Treatment for sufferers of tuberculosis will be undergoing a considerable process, which ranges from 6 months to 9 months or even more. Tuberculosis can be cured in total if sufferers routinely consume drugs given to doctors and improve the durability of the body with the nutrients that are good enough.

During the process of treatment, to know its better then it is advisable to undergo examination in good incidence of blood, sputum, urine and x-rays every 3 month. As for the drug-which is generally given is obtan Isoniazid and rifampin as basic treatment for sufferers of TUBERCULOSIS, but due to the existence of possible resistance to both drugs, the doctors will decide such drugs provides additional pyrazinamide and streptomycin sulfate ethambutol HCL or as one unified Triple Drug.
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