How toget pregnant? Pregnant and having a child was the dream of the whole family in the world. but some of them are hampered by several problems. the following are some knowledge how to get pregnant:

Healthy Lifestyle. Stop smoking as it does not just affect fertility rates only, but can also increase the risk of abnormalities of pregnancy on the prospective future fetus. stop the habit of drinking alkhohol. Just a little alcohol can reduce the chance of pregnancy by up to 50%. Avid sports, thus the condition of the body will always fit and in the process of fertilization has occurred will be greater. Nutritionally Balanced Diet consume nutrient-laden foods in which is necessary to get a healthy pregnancy. healthy life patterns can be a start for get pregnant.

Vitamins. To quickly get pregnant, vitamin consumption or food items contain substances needed for fertility is very important for you and your partner. Vitamin C, one of which, can improve the quality of the sperm. Vitamin E may increase fertility of both men and women. women who consume folic acid had a chance to get pregnant is better than any of those who are not consume it. Folic acid also plays an important role in the formation of the fetus's brain later tube.

The right time. the exact time is also a way to get pregnant. find out when the fertile period of your partner. sex during the fertile more likely result in conception than the time after that. do not sex too often because of the difficulty will result in conception. Guy takes 2-3 days to produce sperm quality. due to a pregnancy that is necessary is the quality not quantity. You and your partner have a few days to make love because sperm can survive for 5-6 days in the fallopian tube, waiting for the egg to swim towards the egg funnel.

Sex position. Missionary is the most suggested, because it allows the penetration of a pretty deep that can store sperm into the uterus for a longer time. We recommend that you avoid the woman on top position, due to the possibility to minimize the uterus stores the sperm. a study in Amsterdam found that women who remain lying down for 15 minutes after terlentang her partner have orgasms, 50% more likely to get pregnant. While the woman who wakes up after making love, direct the possibility of fertilization is smaller because sperm can get out again.

Enjoy the process. When you want to get pregnant fast, get so You will feel anxious or restless. It is actually normal, as long as you don't get stressed. When stressed, parts of the brain that regulates fertility hormone, will not function properly. Because of that, during ovulation can delayed or not even happened at all. Ovulation is the process of release of the ovum in the uterus to tuba falopi to the fertilized egg. So as much as possible you should not get stressed out while undergoing this pregnancy program. Enjoy the only process that is under way, without the need for excessive agitation. After trying a variety of ways to get pregnant fast after her marriage, complete with praying to God.

May get the benefits from this article how to get pregnant.

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