Parkinsons disease caused by any disturbance in the brain, that by which occurs retrogression in central nervous brain system. Parkinsons disease is also a condition where when someone have distruption movement.

Generally this disease will strike on the basal ganglia of the brain sections (nucleus, putamen, kaudatus and globus palidus) caused by decreased levels of dopamine (DA). And it will be negatively and resulted in the occurrence of abnormalities specific to different trasmitor in the brain. Whereas Parkinson's disease occurs as a result of nerve cells or neurons in the brain called the substantia nigra suffered death or become weak. Under normal conditions, these cells produce chemicals that are very important in the brain called dopamine. Dopamine itself is a chemical that can carry electrical signals between the substantia nigra and along the nerve cells will help to produce a smooth body movements. And typing the dopamine-producing cells are damaged, then the symptoms of Parkinson's would automatic visible.

Parkinsons disease clinical description

1. Tremor.

Tremor is present on the fingers, tremors in the rough metakarpofalangis joints, sometimes tremors like counting coins or memulung-mulung (pill rolling). In the fleksi hand joints-extension or pronasi-supinasi in the fleksi-foot extension, extension or head-fleksi shook his head, mouth open, tongue-extendable cover is interested. This Tremor disappeared breaks and escalated emotions aroused time (resting/alternating tremors).

2. Rigid

The hipertoni on muscles flexor extensor and hipertoni a whole movement, it is by as rising activity motorneuron alfa, the phenomena a toothed wheel ( cogwheel phenomenon ).

3. Bradikinesia

Movement a volunteer become slow so diminution motion associative, e.g. difficult to wake of a chair, difficult start walking, slow take an object, if speaking motion tongue and lips into slow.

4. Mikrografia

Handwriting also gradually going down into small, in some cases it is early symptom.

5. Steps and walk style

Walk with small step shift and the more rapidly ( menarche a petit fitting ), an advanced stage head to the chest, shoulder bent forward, back arched when walking.

6. Monotone Talk

This is because bradikinesia and rigiditas respiratory muscles, vocal cords, the larynx muscles, so when speaking or pronouncing the words with a monotonous smooth volume (voice whisper) is slow.

7. Autonomic Dysfunction

Excessive sweating, excessive saliva, disturbance of sphincter incontinence and ortostatik especially hypotension.

8. behavioral Disorders

Gradually become dependent (dependent upon others), easily frightened, less resolute attitude, depression. Way of thinking and the response to the question slow (bradifrenia) are usually still able to provide the correct answer, the origin is given enough time.

9. the Dimensia

The existence of mental status changes during his illness with a cognitive deficit.

10. both eyes flickering with vigorous on the base of the nose knocker (mark Myerson positive).

Parkinsons disease treatment

1. Medikamentosa
- bromokriptin → Stimulation receptors dopamine
- triheksiphenidil HCL → antikolinergik

2. Physical

Is a long-term and type of therapy adapted to development of a disease, such as exercise overcome stiff and heavy on the members motion, improve body stance, manner of walking and moves the arm.
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