Nodding syndrome is a disease that attacks the nods of children aged between 5 and 15 years. the effects of the disease affects mental and physical nods. The disease is named nodding syndrome due to the characteristic, pathological nodding seizure. The seizure often begins when the children begin to eat, or sometimes when they feel cold. These seizures are brief and halt after the children stop eating or when they feel warm again. These seizures can manifest themselves with a wide degree of severity.

a child who infected a mysterious disease's have strange behavior, confusion and even they seem to hurt himself. One of the nodding syndrome symptoms that experienced by victims is a nod to fall asleep with your eyes closed with drooping head, though he was not in a State of lying and not tired. Meanwhile other symptoms experienced by victims of this disease are hampered of growth and decline of cognitive ability. Some of them also suffered from epilepsy and malnutrition. However, only a horrible symptom is when the boy began walking and with unconscious until they get lost in the bushes.

It is currently not known what Nodding syndrome causes, but it is believed to be connected to infestations of the parasitic worm Onchocerca volvulus, which is prevalent in all outbreak areas. O. volvulus, a nematode, is carried by the black fly and causes river blindness. In 2004, most children suffering from nodding disease lived close to the Yei River, a hotbed for river blindness, and 93,7% of nodding disease sufferers were found to harbour the parasite (a far higher percentage than in children without the disease).

recently (2012) Nodding syndrome is also experienced by residents who live in southern Sudan and Tanzania. More than 200 children were taken to the clinic on the first day of the open. Medical workers said, they could not offer a treatment or a cure until doctors find the cause of this disease. Uganda's health Commissioner Dr. Anthony Mbonye says, at least they can help children invalids with handle distractions his nerves. Drug antiepilepsi so far quite effectively handling patient syndrome nodded.

source : en.wikipedia
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