Baby Blues Syndrome commonly also known as Postpartum Distress Syndrome is a condition in which appears the feeling of feeling sad or which in the capital after giving birth. This condition usually occurs in the first 14 days after delivery and tends to worsen in 3 to 4 days after giving birth. However, if the mother suffers the same condition exceeded normal 2 weeks, then consult to a physician, because worry about experiencing Postpartum Depression.

Many experts think that hormone is the causes mother had baby blues syndrome. At the pregnancy, mother to have many big change either physical or non-physical including those changes hormone. So is after childbirth, bodily changes and hormone recurred again. The changes that recurred on yourself will be very affected mother feeling. Decline drastically levels hormone estrogen and progesterone and other hormones in production by the thyroid gland will cause mother often endured the tired, depression and decline mood.

Besides hormone the presence of the small baby have to actually controlled, fiiled disarray, poor day and night many waste mother, that she had exhaustion and less time of repose. A change in life is also as a factor many mother after childbirth experiencing depression. Besides anxiety that haunts the mothers, anxiety of the future children, anxiety wouldn whether or not raising kids well, and anxiety other that haunts me too can trigger baby blues syndrome.

Baby blues syndrome symptoms:

- A sense of sadness and depression meet mother to mother feeling led to frequent cries.

- Emotions are very labile, irritable, and often missing a sense of pasion.

- Often mothers feel exhausted and where honey is often a headache.

- Often feel less confident.

- Often experience a sense of anxiety.

- Have difficulty in take a rest or hard bed.

- Often experience fear of various things.

Baby Blues Syndrome can indeed say symptoms normal post delivery mother. However, that condition is quite painful for the mother. Therefore in need tips to avoid baby blues syndrome. Here are a few tips that could mother do:

- Do a mature preparation before childbirth. Preparation here could include physical preparation (baby supplies, funds, etc) and mental preparation. Because a mother who is ripe and ready to face the delivery, then the mental mother would when the mother has honed the fruit of new heart.

- Complete knowledge of the care and health of the mother would be around an infant. Knowledge can be through books, magazines, forums or websites there baby. For you can search for knowledge about caring for the baby in the category World Toddler. Mothers who are ready to do the treatment and understand very well the baby has been how to raise a baby properly will be spared from the baby blues syndrome.

- Family support is very important in order to avoid especially from husband mother exposed to baby blues syndrome. talk on husband, sharing tasks and responsibilities just answer with my husband will lighten the load while take a rest mother. Caring for a baby need extra attention. It takes effort and thought that not a few that can get very frazzled mother. Therefore if there is time off of your fine, or ask a parenting moment by either husband or other family to give you time to rest.

- Share your experiences with other mothers believed to reduce the burden of capital after the childbirth. You can do this with the various communities there are mothers.

- Pay attention to your diet. keep needs nutrients and vitamins for MOM. In addition to the quality of breast milk, nutritional and vitamin a are met mother performing will make it even more healthy as well.

- Be positf. Throw away the negative feelings about any of it. Life would be handy if you always positive minded.
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