Itching in the nipple. Having healthy skin and free of mold is the desire of everyone. And make it a shame if there were mushrooms on our skin, especially when we're in public. Then how else if itching it feels on your nipples. This usually occurs mostly in women. Many of the causes that can lead to itchy scratchy blamed that.

Causes of Itching in The Nipple.

- Contact Dermatitis

Most people are familiar with this type of dermatitis, itchy nipples can cause on so may arise from toxic nickel earrings, latex, or products containing laundry fragrances. These substances can trigger hives on the skin, pain, and a variety of lesions (e.g., small red blisters, rash) that can be opened and formed the krusta. Sometimes the skin reaction occurs after the first contact, but in some cases repeated exposure over time resulting in allergic reactions. Treatment can be done with using steroid creams/ointments or tacrolimus that can be obtained from your doctor.

- Dermatitis seboroik

Common cause of itchy, inflamed skin are Dermatitis Seboroik (DS). It is mainly found in the upper chest, back, scalp, and face where there is kelabihan the production of sebum. That is, the skin ditemukanpada DS most oily. In addition, there are also itchy scales a flakey skin white or yellow. Between 11-12% of adults will have a Seboroik and would normally be Dematitis experiencing itching disorders at the age between 30 to 50 years.

- Candida

This is the type of fungi commonly found in the vagina and could be the cause of itching in the nipples of nursing especially on women. Most common symptom caused fungal infection of the skin abraded or glossy is accompanied with soreness of the breast. Diagnosis candida of nipple may be done by scraping the skin. In nursing women can happen itching especially if babies have fungi dimulutnya. To solve the problem in nursing women by means of nistatin containing an ointment for babies continue receiving breast-fed.

- Neurodermatitis

Also known as scratch the itch phenomenon. It begins with the presence of irritation that could be eczema, atopic dermatitis, fungal infections, or even clothing friction. Chronic itching and scratching would create a cycle and stimulate itching continues that result in thickening of skin and rough. While the limb is a public site, it can also be found on the nipples and usually one side only. Neurodermatitis is more common among women, and more prominent between the ages of 30-50. Diagnosis is made by exclusion of the source of itching. Skin biopsy may be done to confirm if there has been no response neurodermatitis against other skin treatments. Because it can be exacerbated during times of neurodermatitis stress and anxiety of a person.

Considering various causes any of various kinds of care. A topical doxipen 5 % cream has good results in removing the itch. One trigger for itchy skin is dry so as to avoid long, a hot bath minimize the use of soap. While still moist skin and lubricating health is tips can help avoid itch. One way that most good to know the itch at a nipple accurate diagnosis is performing on lab.
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