Cramps during menstruation or in a medical term called dysmenorrhea is pain in stomach and pelvic that experienced by women during the early stages menstrual. cramps can happen in mild to very severe. Mild menstrual cramps may be almost invisible and the duration is short and sometimes just such a weight in the stomach. Heavy menstrual cramps can be so painful that it interferes with a woman's routine activity for a few days. The culmination of the cramps usually occur within 24 hours after onset, and subside after one to two days. This inconvenience will be growing worse until it propagates to the lower back and even right down to the feet.

Cramps during menstruation disorders diferent with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome is experienced, although both symptoms can come together. Medical research shows that menstrual cramps worse are frequent in women who started menstruating and have long periods of time. Smoking and family history of menstrual cramps are often associated with cramps during menstruation cause that are painful. Menstrual disorder affects more than 50% of women and 15% having severe cramps. For teenage girls, 90% they are having menstrual cramps.

There are two types of cramps during menstruation or dysmenorrhea, primary and Skunder

- On primary dysmenorrhea, no underlying gynecological problems cause pain. Types of menstrual disorders can be started within six months to a year since the beginning of menstruation, when a girl started having menstrual periods. Menstrual cramps usually does not start until the menstrual cycle ovulation (when the egg is released from the ovary) occur, and bleeding menstruation usually begins before the onset of ovulation.

- On secondary dysmenorrhea, some abnormal conditions of the underlying, usually involving the female reproductive system will contribute to menstrual pain. menstrual disorders will occur at menarche (begin menstruation), but more often and conditions growing then.

Treatment for cramps during menstruation (primary dysmenorrhea). Treatment options vary and each woman needs to find a treatment that works for him. According to Doctors at the harvard medical scool, menstrual Disorder Treatment that does not involve the use of drugs is by means of adequate rest and sleep, regular exercise (mostly walking), and quitting smoking for those who have bad habits. Some women find that stomach massage, yoga, sexual activity or orgasm can help. In addition to compressing with hot towels are applied to the abdominal area can also reduce pain.

For light menstrual cramps, the treatment can directly by using a type of aspirin and acetaminophen medications (Tylenol), or acetaminophen plus diuretic (like Diurex MPR, Midol, Pamprin, Premesyn). However, aspirin has a limited effect in controlling the production of prostaglandins and is only useful for mild cramps mestruasi disorder. To moderate menstrual cramps, nonsteroid anti-inflammatory (NSAIDS) can help overcome the disorders of menstruation. This drug is more effective than aspirin in inhibiting the production and action of prostaglandins. Type of NSAID drugs available are:

Ibuprofen (Advil, Midol IB, Motrin, Nuprin, dan lain-lain)
Naproxen sodium (Aleve, Anaprox)
ketoprofen (Actron, Orudis KT)

To get maximum results in menstrual disorders treatment using NSAD, preferably starting 1 375 2 days before and continue to drink it until mnenstruasi 1 to 2 day mentsruasi take place.

hope be useful to overcome cramps during menstruation.
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