Often people then attempted to eliminate leg feathers scraping with a knife or razor shet. When in fact it is precisely add tarakan's heavy fur that will grow later. Those who did not bother usually selects to waxing treatments in the salon. In addition to practical, growing new feathers are also softer and longer because of the repeal process up to the roots.
Waxing in salon indeed takes cost is quite expensive. But with little creativity , you can make waxing herb yourself at home to eliminate the coarse fur in the skin.
1 Pepper, camphor, some kerosene
Pepper and camphor pounded up to smooth, then mixed with few drops kerosene. Stir up to equally. then balurkan on foot or calf which covered with feathers evenly. This way the feathers are will fall out by itself and will not grow again.
2. Honey
Mix together four tablespoons of honey and one of the fruit of a liquid lemon. You heat up with fire child while stirring of equality. Having warm, let sit briefly until its smoke lost, and pasted it in the skin that are many feathers. namely attach the gauze, perfectly, and then press to pull the fur growth of opposite direction quickly.
3. Sugar
Sugar is the best herb to lift a feather to its roots. By using new hairs grow sugar, again for a few weeks and usually finer fur texture becomes. Mix three tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1/4 glass lemon juice and 1/4 glass of water. Heat over low heat. Stir sugar into caramel. In warm conditions, attach to the hairy skin. Immediately attach the gauze, perfectly, and then press to pull the fur growth of opposite direction quickly.
4. White of egg. The white of eggs also you can use as herb hair removal. Not only deprive of feathers rough, but also make leather leg to be clean. Intervening a tablespoon sugar, half a teaspoon cornmeal and one white of egg. All materials stir up field. After it is pasted it in the feet or hands that hairiness. Let to dry then do the as peels. The feathers to be uplifted natural .