The impact of rapid heart failure affect the lack of blood supply, causing cell death due to the lack of oxygen is carried in the blood yand itself. Suplay lack of oxygen to the brain (Cerebral Hypoxia) causes a person to lose consciousness and stopped breathing with sudden which led to death.
Congestive heart failure in infants and children is a concern which is very often encountered by health workers wherever located. Complaints and symptoms vary so it is often difficult to distinguish with the result of other diseases outside the heart.
Conditions on the disease of heart failure is not the meaning that the heart stops working (cardiac arrest), but rather the heart no longer able to pump blood as well as everyday task for the body of a person.
A chamber of the heart divided above into four space that is right and left portico portico intratrial , which are separated by a septum then the right and the left ventricle separated by a septum interventrikular. Heart failure can occur on one side, part of the heart for example the left side of the heart failure or cardiac arrest the right side.
Diagnosis Of Heart Failure.
Diagnosis is done on the basis of signs and symptoms that complain about or seen immediately conducted the examination. To strengthen the diagnosis, the doctor will perform various checks, for example; Physical examination, a weak pulse, blood pressure and rapid decline, abnormal heart sounds, cardiac enlargement, swelling of the neck veins, fluid in the lungs, enlargement of the liver, rapid weight gain, swelling of the abdomen or limbs.
X-ray examination on the chest can show enlargement of the heart and the collection of fluid in the lungs. Ekokardiografi examination (using sound waves to describe the heart) and electrocardiography (assessing the electrical activity of the heart).
Causes of heart failure
1. Coronary artery disease is a disease of the arteries-arteries supplying blood and oxygen to the heart, causing a decrease in blood flow to the heart muscle. If the arteries become clogged arteries-or very narrowed, the heart becomes starved of oxygen and nutrients will be.
2. Heart attack which is a heart attack can occur when a coronary artery is becoming clogged up suddenly, stopping blood flow to the heart muscle and ruin it. All or part of the heart muscle becomes disconnected from the supply of oxygen. A heart attack can damage the heart muscle, causing scarring area are not working proper.
Indonesian to English.
3. Cardiomyopathy heart muscle damage which result in addition to arterial blood flow problems and, as a result of infection, alcohol or drug abuse.
4. The condition that causes the heart to work beyond the limits of ability. The conditions include high blood pressure (hypertension), heart valve disease, thyroid disease, kidney disease, diabetes or heart abnormalities present at birth can be the cause of heart failure.
In addition, heart failure can occur if some of the illness or condition arose at the same time.
In outline, the risk of heart failure Disease most commonly experienced by high heart attack sufferers or people who have experienced a heart attack, it is the people who have the disease, hypertension, hiperkolesterolemia (high cholesterol), smoker, diabetes (diabetes), obesity (overweight) and someone who has a family history of heart disease as well as of course the pattern of life that is irregular and less sports. Exposed to risks of heart failure tend to rise at the age above 65 years.