The left side heart failure causes a collection of fluid in the lungs (edema pulmoner), which causes shortness of breath. Initially perceived as shortness of breath just someone doing the activity, but in line with the worsening of the disease then blown will also arise when the sufferer is not doing the activity. While the other sign is quickly tired (fatigue), nervous/anxious (anxity), rapid heartbeat (tachycardia), coughing as well as irregular heart rhythm (Arrhythmia).
While the right side heart failure; likely to result in the collection of blood that flows into the right side of the heart. So this causes swelling in the feet, ankle, leg, stomach (ascites) and liver (hepatomegaly). Other signs are nausea, vomiting, rapid heart rate, exhaustion and frequent urination (urinary) especially at night (Nocturia.
Treatment Of Heart Failure.
In the implementation of patient care or cardiac diseases, there are three fundamental things that become a reference, among them; Treatment of heart failure, Treatment of the underlying disease and treatment against the trigger factor.
Included in the treatment of medikamentosa i.e. reduce fluid retention and salt, increasing kontraktilitas and reduce the burden on the heart. While handling generally includes rest, setting the temperature and humidity, oxygen, giving fluids and diet.
Administering medications, such as inotropik drugs (digitalis, inotropik intravenous drugs), vasodilator medication (arteriolar dilator: hidralazin), a venodilator (nitrate, nitroglycerin), mixed dilator (prazosin, kaptopril, nitroprusid), diuretics and medications disritmia.
Act of surgery, this is usually done to cope with congenital heart diseases (palliative, corrective) and valvuloplasti.
The prevention of heart failure failure.
Those of you who felt the sign and such symptoms as mentioned above, 'd better checked themselves to the doctor. Reduce a factor that may cause the condition of heart failure, stop smoking, subtract food consumption fatty, try to do sports, a pattern or haya life which is irregular.
Certainly for those who undergo or suffer from a disease that can be engender attack heart failure, sufferers e.g high blood ( hypertension ), piddle sweet ( diabetes ), the accumulation of whack ( cholesterol or other ) on the veins of the heart ( coronary artery disease ) should routine control to a doctor.