The excessive body odor is are sweat glands apocrine. In general body odor caused by the sweat glands in the armpit. Truth is, the juices produced by the apocrine glands only smell fat. However, as in any strands of hair one apocrine and contains bacteria that play a role in the process of decay, then the mounting body odor that is unsightly. Sometimes there are people who have bigger apocrine glands, resulting in a larger sweat production and decay of the bacteria as well as many more.
How to reduce excessive sweating:
- Don't eat fatty foods, especially meat
- Reduce spicy foods
- Reduce or stop drinking coffee (containing caffeine)
How to eliminate body odor:
- Drink the stew betel leaf, one glass per day/2 days once
- Eating basil leaves at least one cell per day
- Dab sliced cucumber every consumable parts bathed in the armpit and other body parts that smell
keeping body odor
- Wearing a spray deodorant (a solid or roll-on just making wet armpit and left scars on the clothes).