On a good natural posture there is lumbar lardosis on the lower part of the back. Lumbar lordisis is important to maintaining the back strength. The problem occurs when the lower part of her back arching when sitting or bending the body forward. So sit for a long time in a Chair or on the front of the computer can be the cause of back pain.
Back pain cause. Bad posture means that ligmen and smooth muscle tissue between spinal stretch very strong. Stretching of that lasted continuously will cause pain and damage to bone punggung.
Prevent back pain. If after consult a physician surprisingly discover you including one from 80 % man who suffered back pain due to problems mechanical, here are some following movement and good position to prevent back pain:
Always push the lordosis. Buy or make a back roll. Towels though it could be used. the way is roll a towel up to Scotch the rear can the most cramped when sitting or driving.
If you have to sit for a long time took some opportunity to rest the body. Stand up and fold the back. Stand for a long time can lead to extreme lordosis, remember well to stand upright.
While watching television, put your face on the floor with leaning on the elbows.
one important thing observed When lifting something remember that your back is not a crane and must not be bent.