Cervical cancer cause is human papilloma virus or hpv. This virus could be passed for sexual contact with someone who possessed it. There are many types of virus hpv, but not all kinds of hpv cause to cervical cancer.
Having sex was not safe especially in young age, sex or having multiple partners , allow the infection HPV. At the age of teenagers female reproductive organs is actively developing world. The penis or stimuli can prompt change the sperm cell to become characteristic is not normal, moreover, when there was injured when have sex and then hpv virus spread. Abnormal cells this is the high potential to cause cancer serviks.
Cervical cancer symptoms :
Bleeding in female reproductive tool that is not normal.
Bleeding when something in contact with the cervix during sex, such as Pain during sex.
Out the liquid from her vagina that is tinged with blood.
The cervical cancer prevention can be done with two ways. First way is to find and treat pra-kanker before becoming cervical cancer, and the second was to prevent the occurrence of the cervical pra-kanker.
Cervical cancer treatment can be done through three ways:
Hysterectomy surgery and pelvic lymph removal with or without removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes.
Radiation therapy.
Generally we will feel scared, sad, or angry after learning that we have cervical cancer. Talk to others who have this disease can help you feel better. Ask your doctor about support groups in your area. You can also find people online who will share their experiences with you.