The first breast cancers can grow into a tumor of 1 cm in the time of 8-12 years. Cancer cells are silent the breast. This breast cancer cells can spread through the flow of blood to the entire body. When the spread it lasts, we don't know. A breast cancer cells can hide in our bodies for years without we know, and suddenly active become malignant tumor or cancer.
The development of breast cancer.
Stage I (early stage). The size of the tumor is no more than 2 - 2.25 centimetres, and there was no spread (metastase) on the underarm lymph glands. At this stage I, the possibility of perfect healing is is 70%. To check or not metastase to other body parts should be checked in the laboratory.
Stadium II. The Tumor is larger than 2.25 cm and has already happened in lymph metastase in armpit. At this stage, it is possible to recover only 30-40% depending on the extent of the spread of cancer cells. On stage I and II usually surgery to remove cancer cells that exist in all parts of the deployment, and after the glare of the operations carried out to make sure there are no more cancer cells that are left behind.
Stage III. The Tumor is already large enough, cancer cells have spread throughout the body, and the possibility of recovering live a little. Breast treatment has no meaning anymore. Treatment is usually done only glare and chemotherapie (drug that can kill cancer cells). Sometimes also performed the operation to lift the breasts are already severe. This effort only to hamper the development of cancer cells in the body as well as to ease the suffering patient as much as possible.
Early prevention breast cancer.
It is necessary to note, that 9 of the 10 women found a lump in her breast. For early prevention, can be done by yourself. Should the examination carried out after completion of the menstrual period. Before menses, breast somewhat swelled so complicate the investigation. How the examination is as follows:
Stand in front of a mirror and notice if there are any abnormalities in the breast. Usually both breasts are not the same, her nipples were also not located at the same height. Note whether there are wrinkles, indentations, or nipples are interested into. When there is an abnormality it or out of fluid or blood from the nipples, immediately went to the doctor.
Put both arms above your head and look back on both breasts.
bend over the body until the breast hanging down , and check again.
Lie on the bed and put your left hand on the back of the head, and a pillow under her left shoulder. tuch your left breast with the Palm of the right hand fingers. Check if there is a lump in the breast. Then check also if there is a lump or swelling in the left armpit.
Check and feel for the nipple and surroundings . In general the mammary glands if diraba with the palm of the hand will spongy fingers felt and easily moved . If there 's a tumor , it will feel hard and cannot be moved ( cannot be moved from place ) . If feel like a lump of 1 cm or more , immediately went to the doctor. More early treatment, the more likely to recover perfectly.
Do the same thing for the right breast.
Further treatment breast cancer
When found any lumps , usually doctor will advise for examination mammografie. Mammografie is checkings the breast with the x-ray examination and is a way of simple, painless, and only take 5 - 10 minutes. The best moment to investigate mammografie was over a week after menstruation. The action is laid the breast alternately between two sheets of a pedestal, roentgen later made photograph from the top down, next from right to left. The result of this picture will be examined by physicians a radiologist. A lump 0.25 cm can already be seen on mammograms. The other way is by small operations to take the tissue sample biopsy ( lump ) of it, then examined under the microscope the pathology lab anatomy. If known and ascertained that it is a lump of cancer, and the breast shall being lifted altogether to avoid a spread to other parts of the body.