Insomnia generally temporary in nature and can be divided into several classifications depending on how long the conditions sleep disorders experienced by someone. Outline of insomnia:
Acute insomnia : acute Insomnia lasts a short time, namely from 1 night to several weeks.
Chronic insomnia. a person is said to be experiencing chronic insomnia when the sufferer suffer sleep disorders at least 3 nights a week and lasts for 1 month or more.
The causes of insomnia can often be divided into the following 3 conditions that are medical conditions, psychiatric conditions and environmental conditions
Insomnia based on medical conditions :
disorders of cardiac ischemia in coronary vessels and, Stroke, dementia, degenerative.
bilateral condition, sleep disorders because disorders of the CNS. Hypothyroid, menopause, menstrual cycle, pregnancy and hipogonadism.
Obstructive lung disorder, asthma pickwikian syndrome (Obstructive sleep apnea syndrom).
Diseases of the gastric juices flooded.
Disorders of the blood.
The use of medications such as decongestants, koritokosteroid and bronkondilator Conditions such as fever, pain and infection.
Some psychological conditions as the cause of Insomnia.
Depression can cause disturbance in REM (Rapid Eye Movement).
Post trauma syndrome.
Psychotropic drugs.
Stress because bebean mind too much.
Tense, nervous or concerns against an issue yg too terdramatisir in mind.
The causes of insomnia due to environmental factors.
The environment is also very instrumental for getting quality sleep, quiet and cool environment may prevent sleep disorders, some environmental conditions is the cause of insomnia is:
Life-threatening events or events that have a high stress.
Disorders of the sleep cycle of working time are not fixed (evening and morning) environment that is noisy, cold, or too hot