Prevent premature aging. Early aging usually occur when a woman enters the age of between 25 to 35 years old, for that we need to perform a variety of treatments to prevent premature aging. in the article there are several ways to prevent premature aging from a young age. Why premature aging occur? Because of our lack of attention to the face and skin, because of the many activities we do outside the House.

Early aging is not just happening in women above the age of 20, but it can also occur when we are 20 years old. For already 20 years old or are entering the age 20 years and over should immediately perform a wide variety of skin care on a regular basis to prevent the occurrence of premature aging. The sooner the treatment is getting better too do the results for skin and face us. Want to know anything how to prevent the occurrence of premature aging? We see this in the following article:

- Sunscreen

At a time when increasing age, the regeneration of the skin will also get reduced so it will cause ruffles. If our skin is exposed to sunlight directly will make an adverse effect on our skin. Due to excessive exposure to sunlight will speed up the process of premature aging. For that get used to use sunscreen from now before doing activities outside the home. And make sure the sunscreen that match your skin type.

- Sleep enough

Start set schedule sleep, with breaks enough to be making bodies we become fresh and healthy. get used to before bed for use night cream to rejuvenate the skin.

- Mineral Water Consumption.

Mineral water is very good for the health and care of the skin. For that get used to consume mineral water at least eight glasses a day, because water can reduce the aging process. From now consume mineral water per day regularly.

- Positif Thinking. Think positif from now and throw away the negative thoughts. When you encounter a problem remains to be always positive minded. With positive thinking our face will always look healthy and fresh, so it will be spared from wrinkles and premature aging.

That's a wide range of simple ways that can be done to prevent the occurrence of premature aging. Hopefully this article can be useful to prevent premature aging
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