Eliminate body odor. Which would become like to have some unpleasant body odor? Surely many of our friends will shy away and away from us. Before that happens, the better we immediately find ways and solutions to prevent body odor that would affect our relationship. Actual body odor may occur due to a variety of factors and causes, ranging from diet, sweat, even to the level of stress that encounter.

If you are face about body odor issues, have a look at the following article will discuss about how to eliminate body odor naturally.

- Lime can be used to eliminate body odor. Which is by way of juicing lemon juice, then mix with a little water lime betel, and rub on certain parts of that cause the smell is not bad, especially in the area of the armpit. Lime juice is believed to eliminate body odor.

- Cucumber has efficacy to eliminate body odor, and used any way is pretty easy. How, peel 1 piece of young cucumber, then rub on the underarms, do it regularly and after bath.

- Basil leaves in addition to eliminate body odor also has antiseptic substances in it. How used is also very easy, just by way of consuming Basil as a raw vegetable salad or raw vegetables as urap. Try companions feel (good) after eating the leaves of Basil.

- Radish also had benefits to eliminate body odor, which smoothes way or until smooth, memarut turnip after that greasing on the skin which has a smell not savoury. Do it regularly and thoroughly to prevent body odor.

hopefully helpful to elminate body odor.
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