A person suffering from anorexia are known as anorexic. They thinks is overweight even though she is very skinny or sick. So what causes people to become anorexic? There are many many things that become causes of anorexia.
Researchers have discovered that there are genetic tendency to a disorder of eating in dividual. This means that some individuals more susceptible to have anorexia nervosa from another. A predisposition in a gene is somebody does not require a disorder of eating of any sort. On the contrary, it is a genetic tendency to each other, mental illness or like paranoid schizophrenia. The key genetics is to realize that while gene can be a contributing factor, but not necessarily be the cause of anorexia.
anorexia identical with loss of appetite, in fact what actually happened was anorexic could get to go hungry but rejected the hunger and want to eat. They are a company who fear plump, though for others no.
This explains that the role of emotions and thinking someone very influential as a cause from anorexia. Feeling very anxious, agitated very important role as contributors from anorexia disease. Demands to sylphlike and cannot fattest shore to run from food in order to reduce sense of worry.
Symptoms of Anorexia:
1) the absence of a menstrual period for 3 months in a row
2) Refuses to eat at the fragility of the public
3) Anxiety
4) limp
5) shortness of breath
6) Abnormal obsession about your calorie intake.
Symptoms of anorexia can be physically observable, behavioral, emotional, and psychological. Anorexia can be attributed to the lack of blood flow in the temporal lobe due to starvation. Symptoms of Anorexia in a person's physical features can be determined easily, less weight, stunted growth, reduced metabolism, hair thinning, always felt cold, and constipation are some of the common problems presented by patients with anorexia.
Psychological symptoms include anorexia perfectionism, distorted body image, poor insight, and obsessive thoughts about food and weight. The emotional side, symptoms of Anorexia are inferiority, overweight phobias, clinical depression, and mood swings. Excessive exercise, dietary restrictions, fainting, self-harm, suicidal tendencies, and constantly need to consider are the symptoms of disturbances in the aspects of behavior.
Treatment of anorexia
Patients in the early stages of anorexia (less than 6 months or with only a small amount of weight loss) can be successfully treated without having to be hospitalized. But for a successful treatment, the patient must be willing to change and have to have family and friends to help them. People who suffer from anorexia more severe requiring treatment in a hospital, usually in a special unit for people who suffer from anorexia.
Treatment of anorexia which is considered very effective, is the behavioral therapy. This type of treatment to try to provide other viewpoints which have been believed by the patient, that is the way they eat well, teach them healthy behavior patterns, which will give them the ability to eat, normal diet and healthy life.
Anorexic patients often need to consult for one year or more so they can work on changing feelings that cause trouble eating them. These feelings can be a neighborhood, family problems or problems with self pride.
Some patients with anorexia is also helped by the drugs that make them feel comfortable and reduce the pressure. Medicines prescribed by doctors and used in conjunction with counseling.