1. Genetic Disorders. Although rarely, infertility in men may be caused by genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis. Genetic disorders include sex chromosome abnormalities, which occurred in Klinefelter syndrome.
2. Varicocele
Dilation of blood vessels are veins in testicular bags became one of the main causes of impaired fertility in men. Prevalence rate is quite high, about 45 percent of healthy men in the world have it.
Venous blood vessel dilation causes the blood flow smoothly so that accumulate in the scrotum (testicle pouch). This increases the temperature of the blood collection around testicle which could have an impact on the process of the formation of spermatozoa.
The formation of spermatozoa in the healthy testicle occurs at a temperature of 2-4 degrees celsius lower than the temperature of the human body. If the temperature rises, the spermatozoa would suffer abnormalities.
3. Sperm Duct Blockage
Usually occurs at birth because no sperm duct part formation. In addition to infection may also lead to the occurrence of the sperm duct blockage. Infection of the reproductive tract can be caused by bacteria through sexually transmitted diseases. If it is caused due to bacterial infection may occur due to blockage of the male reproductive tract bonding.
4. Abnormalities in the pituitary hormone
Pituitary is hormone that stimulates the formation of sperm. When these hormones distruption, automatic then the formation of sperm also hampered. To disorder like this always overcome by hormone therapy.
5. Abnormalities in the testes
The cause could be due to a physical disorder that once accepted, it can be a blow, infection of the testicles, or testes development is not perfect when puberty. It is the leading cause of impaired sperm production.
6. The habit of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. Smoking may increase the risk of infertility and erectile dysfunction in men. Nicotine makes blood curdling and so could not circulate smoothly, including the blood vessels genitalia. As a result, sexual disorders appear like premature ejaculation, erection is not perfect, even impotence. Large amounts of alcohol can lower levels of the hormone testoterone that disrupt sperm production and cause infertility in men.