The following further clarification regarding the symptom of pregnancy:
- No menstruation
missed menstruation is a pregnancy symptom is the most common. When you are pregnant, you are definitely not going to menstruate in the following period. However, it does not get her period does not mean you are definitely pregnant. Menstruation can stop due to other reasons such as excessive weight loss, fatigue physical, hormonal, stress, or breast-feeding.
- Implantation bleeding
About 6-12 days after fertilization, the embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall. In some women, this causes a discharge of blood spots that may be accompanied by cramping. This bleeding is shorter and lighter than my period, like red or brownish red tint which only lasts 1-2 days. In addition to its pregnant, bleeding vagina could be caused by menstruation, infections, wounds of sexual intercourse.
- Breast changes
Enlarged breasts, softened and feels pain when touched is a symptom of pregnancy that can be started 1-2 weeks after conception. Areola (the skin around the nipple) may become darker and the blood vessels in your breasts become more clear. Hormonal imbalance, and pre-menstrual syndrome can also cause changes in the breast.
- cravings
You may have a strong desire to eat certain foods that provide the energy and calcium, such as dairy. Some women food cravings strange unusual eating or even objects such as paper, grass, soil, etc. (this symptom is called pica). Several other women hate food that normally they like. However, many women are not any cravings. A poor Diet, certain nutritional deficiency, stress, depression, chronic illness or pre-menstrual syndrome can also change eating patterns.
- Fatigue
Feeling tired or lethargic is a symptom of pregnancy that can be started since the first week after conception. This is most likely caused by an increase in the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is needed to keep the pregnancy and the growth of the baby is also affecting the metabolism slows down. Energy levels will usually return to normal in about the fourth month of pregnancy when the placenta is formed perfectly. Physical activity, Stress, depression, anemia and other diseases can also cause fatigue.
- Nausea and vomiting
The symptoms of pregnancy that known as morning sickness it primarily appears in the morning between 2-8 weeks after fertilization until the 12th week. Some women do not experience morning sickness at all, while others feel the nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite are almost all day. Food poisoning, stress, or other stomach disorders can also cause nausea and vomiting.
- Frequent urination
You may be to the restroom often, especially at night, at approximately 6-8 weeks after conception. Pregnancy causes increased levels of bodily fluids and improvements to the efficiency of the kidney. Enlargement of the uterus are also pressing the bladder. As a result, most women become more frequent urination in the first few weeks of pregnancy. Often kecing can also be caused by other factors such as a urinary tract infection, diabetes, increased fluid intake, and the drug is diuretic.
- Mood changes
Some women experience a perubahanmood similar to that normally occur in the days leading up to menstruation, such as irritability. Several other women experienced feeling chirpy. Pregnancy hormones are thought to affect chemicals in the brain that cause mood changes. Other conditions such as pre-mensturasi syndrome, stress, and life events can also change the mood.
The pregnancy symptoms may be vary between women. Some women experience all the symptoms of early pregnancy, while others may have only a few or not at all. A pregnancy test is a more accurate way to verify pregnancy. A pregnancy test that uses indicators of serum hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) is very accurate when done within a few days after fertilization to know is that realy your symptom of pregnancy.