Proper use of pantyliner. Pantyliner is a type of bandage is used specifically for the cleanliness of the area of femininity. Women generally use a pantyliner when she get a flour albus or excess mucus discharge from vagina. However, there are also women who have other habits that almost on a daily basis using a pantyliner. Actually the working principle and usability of pantyliner itself nearly the same manner of work and usefulness of bandage use regular woman menstrual at the time . It's just that a lot of women go wrong in utilizing a pantyliner. So how are you supposed to use a pantyliner?

Pantyliner is thin Bandage thatwere specially designed to absorb mucus excess that coming out from vagina. So there any if you use it when many women including flour albus or mucus it out. However, many women were going wrong in using pantyliner to flour albus. Pantyliner supposedly used in a short period of time. Briefly here means that you need not use it every day before and after menstruation.

You must also to replace pantyliner that you wear your following urination or every two hours ago. It is important for you, because actually it is a flour albus or mucus is piece of dirt that naturally released by vagina. So if following urination you not automatically replace pantyliner you automatic bacteri and dirt in mucus that commingle and heaped in cotton pantyliner.

In addition to forcing the vagina in the super moist condition, You also even hold the seeds of disease around the mouth of vagina. The extra moisture and a collection of dirt from the whitish mucus that could have given the cumulative effect for the onset of an infection, itchiness, and that does not smell bad. Therefore, we recommend that you reduce your habit of using excessive pantyliner. Choose a time that roughly indeed You need a pantyliner like very shortly before menstruation or a day two days after menstruation. These moments are usually naturally miss V more intense in removing the liquid mucus.

Hygiene and health vagina must be the main subject of concern women. As busy as any of You, you should not use the instant way to use pantyliner for flour albus regularly every day. Indeed, the pantyliner will give the feeling of a dry and comfortable. However, you must note the effect kumulatifnya. You can use pantyliner-okay, it's just that you have to look at the situation and the goal wisely. Do not let you forget to keep it clean as well. If whitish mucus discharge from or miss V felt to make you uncomfortable, you should consult with a specialist to find the right solution for your problem.
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