Vertigo is the state of being dizzy felt out of the ordinary. A person who suffers from vertigo he feels as though the world spinning round (objective vertigo) or people with own indoor spinning feel (subjective vertigo).
Feeling dizzy coupled rotating flavors other than sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting. If this disorder sufferers even heavy, unable to stand or even to fall. This is usually caused by a disruption of the balance. Vertigo can last only a few moments or could continue until a few hours even days. Sufferers often feel better when lying quietly, but vertigo sufferers could continue despite not moving at all.
basically the balance of the body is controlled by the cerebellum that gets information about the position of the organ in the body of the balance of the middle ear and the eye. Vertigo is usually caused by middle ear disorders or impaired and in.
Disorders of the cerebellum that causes vertigo rarely found. However, supplies oxygen to the brain that is less can also be the cause. Several types of medicines, like quinine, of streptomycin, and salicylic, known may cause chronic inflammation of the inner ear. It also could cause vertigo.
This disorder overcome by addressing the cause. Usually awarding vitamin B12, B1, antihistamines, diuretics, and restrictions on the consumption of salt can reduce complaints.
There are several vertigo type based on cause. Vertigo is dizziness that accompany epileptica or occurred after the attacks, namely ayan vertigo dizziness due to attack laryngea cough, namely a sense of vertigo nocturna as if it will fall at the beginning of sleep i.e. dizziness, vertigo ocularis eye disease particularly as due to paralysis or imbalance of the muscles activity eyeballs, vertigo, dizziness as if all of the rotatoria in the vicinity of the swirl.
Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo is a disease that is often found, where the vertigo occurs suddenly and lasts for less than 1 minute. Change the position of the head (usually happens when the patient lies down, get up, rolling over on top of the bed or looking back) usually triggered vertigo. The disease is caused by the existence of apparently calcium deposits within one kanalis semisirkularis in the ears of the Interior. Vertigo type is horrible, but it is harmless and usually disappears by itself within a few weeks or months.
Causes of vertigo can be due to environmental Circumstances, motion sickness (drunk ashore, seasick) drugs, alcohol, gentamisin, Transient ischemic attack circulation disorders (disorders of brain function due to a decreased blood flow temporarily to one portion of the brain) in the arteries and vertebral arteries basiler. If there is a decrease in suspected blood flow to the brain, then performed an angiogram examinations, to see blockage in the blood vessels leading to the brain.
Treatment vertigo more focused to treat underlying conditions. If induced by drugs, stop its use usually enough to deprive of vertigo. Vertigo can also treated through rehabilitation vestibular therapy that involves a series of special exercises guided by a physical therapist designed to minimize giddy. Effectiveness depends on a variety of factors, therapy including age and health conditions, patients severity condition, and cognitive function patients. If meniere, caused by disease taking diuretics and reducing consumption salt helps alleviating gripes. Lastly. konsultasikan with the doctor about the best of care. Each individual case may have different and require different kind of treatment as well.
Vertigo treatment more focused to treat underlying conditions. If induced by drugs, stop its use usually enough to deprive of vertigo. Vertigo can also treated through rehabilitation vestibular therapy that involves a series of special exercises guided by a physical therapist designed to minimize giddy. Effectiveness depends on a variety of factors, therapy including age and health conditions, patients severity condition, and cognitive function patients. If caused by meniere, by taking diuretics and reducing consumption salt helps alleviating gripes. Lastly. consult with the doctor about the best of care. Each individual case may have different and require different kind of treatment as well.