Stroke is disturbance of cerebral function resulting from the flow of blood to the brain distruption ( depopulate ). Consequently, nutrition and oxygen that need by brain unfulfilled well. The causes of a stroke, there are two kinds is the stopped up in blood vessels ( a thrombus ) and the blood vessels that rupture.

Generally a stroke suffered by the elderly, due to the aging process causes the blood vessels to constrict and harden (arteriosclerosis) and the presence of fat that clog blood vessels (atherosclerosis). But some of the latter case indicates an increase in cases of stroke which occurred at the age of adolescence and productive age (15 - 40 years). In this group, the main cause of a stroke is stress, drug abuse, alcohol, heredity, and unhealthy lifestyle.

On early adolescence, stroke cause influenced by genetics factor. Commonly encountered cases stroke caused by veins that is fragile and easily broken, or abnormality blood system as diseases hemophilia and thalassemia derivable by parents sufferers. While if any member of family suffering from diabetes ( diseases of the urinary sweet ), hypertension ( high blood pressure ) or in english called pulmonary hypertension, and heart disease, probably have experienced stroke become larger in other family members.

other stroke Causes are foods with bad cholesterol levels (Low Density Lipoprotein) that is very high. There are many evil Koleserol on junk food or fast food. In addition, the occurrence of stroke or other cause is the lazy habit of exercising and moving, much drinking alcohol, smoking, use of narcotic drugs and addictive substances, a very less time off, as well as prolonged stress. The outbreak of major blood vessels are also often caused due to disease of high blood pressure (hypertension).

Early stroke symptom generally is dizzy, head feel spun ( as diseases vertigo ), was followed by impaired speak and moving muscle the mouth. Other symptoms is Disruption of a flavorings sensor ( can not feel anything, as pierced by needle ) and body feels paralyzed the, and absence of movement reflexes. Often also occurred blind sudden or obscurity of sight ( because blood and oxygen supply to the eye drastically reduced ), disruption system taste in the mouth and the muscles mouth ( hence often be found the face of being oblique ), another muscles body was paralyzed; and the disruption system memories and emotions. Often be found sufferers can't stop crying because the brain control in the emotion system was paralized. It makes stroke patient becomes as patient mental illness. Things like needs to perceptible by family sufferers.

There are 2 stroke healing process that should be played by a stroke sufferers. The first is healing with drugs in hospitals. Strict control should be done to keep bad cholesterol levels can be lowered and not growing up. In addition, sufferers are also forbidden to eat food that can trigger the onset of stroke such as junk food and salt (can trigger hypertension). Healing must also be supported by losing weight or known as weight loss.

The second process of stroke healing is fisiotherapy, namely exercises for the muscles to restore the function muscle and functions communication to approaching a former condition. Fisiotherapi performed along instructor fisiotherapi, and patient must be obedient on exercise do. If fisiotherapi is not being lived in earnest, then can occur paralysis permanent in a limb never having paralysis.

Healing on stroke patient many forms. Can anybody cured perfect, but others just 50%. Healing is dependent of severe whether or not the stroke condition, bodily condition victims, discipline sufferers in undergo the process of healing, diligence and spirit to heal patients, and support and understanding of the whole family members sufferers. Often found that stroke patients can be recovered, but suffered from the great depression because their families don't want to understand and feel very disturbed with the disease he suffered (such as attitude did not receive a State of rough treatment because the sufferer, must clean dirt, handing over to sufferers with sisters who also treats patients with rough, and so on). This should be avoided if there are family members who suffer from stroke.
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