Heart transplantation is a procedure to replace a failing heart function with other heart of donors who meet the requirements. This procedure is performed on patients with end-stage heart failure who have an estimated age of living less than one year if not performed transplants and not a candidate or have never been treated with conventional medical therapies. Most prospective patients who are transplant not done other surgical procedures due to a heart condition which is already bad.
An important component in the stage of the process is to determine candidates for heart transplant patients will be given a transplant, examination, follow-up after surgery, and the immune supresi. Proper implementation of these measures resulted in very encouraging results both for doctors and patients.
A candidate for a heart transplant patient in General is a symptom of patients with NYHA class III (moderate) or class IV (heavy). The examination is usually obtained as a fraction less than ejection of 25%. At the time of examination, some adjustments were made to stabilize the heart condition.
Additional oral agent therapy is usually given, for example medicines inotropik. Mechanical assistance with balloon pump (IABP) intraaortik or other auxiliary devices implan helpful for some patients as an additional therapy prior to transplantation.
General indications of heart transplantation is decreased heart function and prognosis of living less than 1 year. Specific indications include enlargement of cardiomyopathy, ischemic cardiomyopathy, congenital heart disease which no conventional therapy and who have failed conventional therapy, with ejection fraction of less than 20%, arrhythmias malignan conventional therapy fails with resistance blood vessels, pulmonic valve is less than 2 units of Wood, aged less than 65 years old.