Third month pregnancy. Changes in the mother's body had started to appear, such as the breasts begin to grow. Increased appetite, with weight gain and stomach are a bit larger. Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness) has begun to diminish, because it's already starting to happen a lot of adjustments in the body. If the mother having trouble sleeping (insomnia), try to consume the milk is warm during nighttime.

In the third month of pregnancy required intake of protein, minerals and vitamins that are enough to help the growth of the fetus.

Third month fetus development

Nine weeks fetus development. When the apparent sex is men, in this age was to be clearly ascertained, while women still occasionally dubious. The fetus is able to open and close his mouth, and he began to practice doing the movement swallow and suck. Fetal hands began to move freely. A hoof on each hand and legs appeared on this week. The formation of the skin and its functionality expanded towards consummation.

Ten weeks fetus development. The brain is developing rapidly in the last month so that the proportion of the head is larger than the body. Muscle and nerve system has reached a level of maturity. In addition to have been able to also send and receive messages from the brain. To begin the proper functioning of the nervous system, the fetus is able to perform motion of reflex. Even foot was able to do the kicking movement. The formation of the ears is over.

Eleven weeks fetus development. Hair, fingernail and legs nail begin to grow. Once in a while in this age of the fetus already evaporated. Sex organs have been formed, also beyond the follicles of hair follicles and teeth. Babies are able to swallow liquids amnion and release it back (pee). The eyes have formed complete, growing network of hands and feet, though not yet United by skin tissue.

Twelve weeks fetus development. all the vital organs of the baby is already formed. the nausea and fatigue felt mother mother usually already diminished or lost. further developments will be seen the growth of the baby (and you) which grew. Fetal age three bulanakan experienced a hiccup, which normally occurs. Hiccup in fetus function untukmemperkuat the muscles on the respiratory organs.
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