Fetal needs amniotic waters to the development of the lungs. The lungs of a new born baby is similar to plastic wrappers are tangled. When a fetus sucking up water, she stimulates her amniotic fluid production of the tissues of the lungs to expand.
Amniotic waters is also a superb diagnosis devices because he gives us a cue-cue about developments that are going on in the womb. In addition to the submerged in the water, which helps train the amniotic fetus to balance himself in space, like a gymnast, the fetus is also constantly sucking and exhaling liquids, approximately 340 ml per day, or less than 500 ml. The fetus spew back roughly half of that amount and the remainder were issued in the form of urine. Amniotic water every three days entirely renewed, so it's not the same throughout pregnancy liquids.
There are several reasons the amount of water the amniotic fluid, and the doctors estimate that the volume is to recognize the potential of maasalah. Example if the doctor detects too much fluid while ULTRASOUND examination, the baby may be have problematic in the swallows and the digestion system. Too little fluid may refer to the fetus kidneys are not working as it should.