Because it has high levels of gastric acid, the owner of the blood group O is not suitable to consume milk, cheese and yogurt. But due to the high levels of gastric acid, the owner of the blood group O is not problematic when consuming meat, because it can digest her easily.
Characteristics of O blood type
- The immune system is very strong
- stress can responded with physical activity
- adaptable to a variety of food in the occupied environment unsuitable diet
- it is recommended to consume foods high in protein and low in carbohydrates such as fruit, meat, fish, and vegetables.
AB blood type desiase
Disorders of Blood Clotting
Factor Deficiencies cause clotting the blood of their blood type 0 more diluted due to factors such as blood pembeku blood ristositas is very low. The advantage is no deposition of blood on the walls of blood vessels, but it is hard in the process of blood clotting, such as in people with varicose veins. In addition, they are an extremely risky blood 0 against use of drugs containing Aspirin and antibiotics such as Erythromycin, and containing macrolicis such as Azithromycin because can lead to bleeding.
The inflammation
That occurs on their blood type 0, osteo arthritis is mainly (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Causes of osteo arthritis (mostly in the elderly) is estimated to be due to autoimmune immune system blood type from the type 0 is not tolerant of the environment and a number of specific foods that lektin levels (protein can WAD cells of a particular blood type) causes inflammation of the joints.
Uric acid
Uric acid is due to a disturbance of the metabolism of proteins in the blood that causes purin excess disposal purin crystals in the joints. Excess disposal can also invade other organs like the kidneys, heart valves, and eyes. On the occurrence of renal uric acid crystals cause the formation of kidney stones.
Low Thyroid production
They are likely to have an blood 0, thyroid metabolism which is unstable due to shortage of iodium. This causes many side effects, such as weight gain, fluid retention, and easily exhausted. Iodium is the only mineral which produce thyroid hormones. Although not recommended, iodium supplement number of iodium in small quantities is to be found in the pattern of their O blood.
Gastric sore ulcer
Those who are afflicted by an illness blood 0 vulnerable because of the acidic side is higher compared to those of another blood type as known incidence of gastric sore ulcer caused by an imbalance of factors that can damage the (HCL-pepsin) by a factor of gastric mucosa and Buku resistant colon 12 fingers.