AB blood type diet
For the AB blood type, the ban is not too restrictive, but should limit the consumption of beef. lobster, shrimp, squid, fish, yellowtail, eel, teri, Toad. Avoid milk and all dairy products, processed meats. All types of nuts are consumed a little bit while watching his reaction. Sesame and sesame oil need to look out for. Limit consumption of flour and processed foods such as bread, cake, pastry, pasta. Try to void corn, mushrooms, radis, and orange.
Just try shake sweet Watermelon juice and a little warm because there were a touch of ginger in it. Or maybe you could try Girlie Spinach, spinach, cauliflower and blend seaweed produces the green color that is pretty enticing. Both the juice is very beneficial to cell rejuvenation and make You look younger in particular to AB blood type.
Characteristics of AB blood type
- Have a sensitive digestive track.
- The immune system is very tolerant.
- The best Response to stress is usually by doing spiritual activities coupled with physical activity and creativity.
- Still in the stage of evolution.
- Most able to adapt to environmental changes and forms of diets.
- The combined forms of type A and B.
AB blood type desiase
Heart disease
Heart disease is narrowing blood vessels of coronary disease on heart that resulted in inhibited achieving blood networks so that the tissues are dead. This is due to the presence of abnormal fat profile as a result of weak system fat metabolism in their AB blood.
As a result of the immune system to attack invading microbes are low and the lack of antibiotics, they are an extremely easy-to-B blood disease contracted the ferocious, especially cancer. Cancer is a disease of abnormal cell growth and threatening the health of the cell is still normal. Cancer cells are not as benign tumor cells, he shows the nature of the invasion and metastasis as well as very anaplastik.
Sensitive channel indigestion
This is because they are an AB blood does not produce gastric acid in large quantities, so it is not effective enough to digest too much animal protein. Therefore, a person with this blood group have a lot to consume food or fruits like watermelon which is alkaline or bananas. Avoid also the consumption of pepper and vinegar. Excess mucus production in the digestive organs are also very disturbing. Consume a lemon in the morning really helps cleaning up excess mucus that forms while you are asleep.