What causes hemorrhoids is actually simple, the difficulty defecate forced eject feces. The actually quite easy solution is change the pattern of life. However, before discussing what causes hemorrhoids more we learn various things about hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid Is the enlargement of blood vessels Ambeien vein in the anus, it caused disruption when we defecate, due to the rigors of the fases, then will hit the wall of rectum that cause pain or bleeding blisters even up on the wall of the rectum.

Types of hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids
occurs on the inside of the inside of the rectum, hemorrhoids is not palpable and also could not be seen. Indeed this type of ambeien doesn't cause pain during defecation, pain can occur if this type out until the rectum lip. The symptoms appear is the occurrence of bleeding during bowel movements. If it had healed, ambeien could be normal again.

External hemorrhoids
This hemorrhoids usualy attack the rectum. symptoms arises to a sense of burning, pain, and itching of the rectum. And from its shape ambeien this if impelled by coagulation trombosisi fæces be established or colored blue-purple.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids.
hemorrhoids usually causes bleeding that does not hurt during bowel movements. However, the blood that came out along the dirt can also be caused by other than hemorrhoids (such as colon cancer). If You find blood in your stools, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Other symptoms are a defecate that feels not finished even though it no longer can be issued. In addition, you may also feel a burning, itching or irritation around the anus. This is especially true when hemorrhoids prolapsis. You can usually re-enter ambeien through the anus and the problem is over, but otherwise can be inserted and the enlarged due to trapped outside the anus, you need to be checked off to the doctor.

Cause of hemorrhoids
Sitting in a long period of time can cause blood flow problems back in the area around anusl. The aging process causes a weakening of the structure of the area which facilitates the occurrence of prolapse. The weakness of this structure could also occur in early age for example at the age of thirty years.

Hemorrhoids prevention
- Eat foods that contain lots of fiber and water are very beneficial weaken this dirt and facilitates defecation. Fruits, vegetables and grains are a source of fiber is good for the health.
- Don't delay defecation as it will make the more hardened and difficult dirt removed.
- If you have trouble defecating, try a more squat position and facilitate discharges.
- Drinking water and regularly so the health of awake.

Treatment of hemorrhoids
- take a painkiller and anti-inflammatory to relieve pain and inflammation. You can take oral tablets, creams or suppositories oles anus. Granting of Aloe Vera gel (aloe vera) on the anal area may also help reduce inflammation.
- Clean the anal area with the individual completed defecation. You do not need to use SOAP as it may increase irritation. To dry the area around the hemorrhoids, you can use the soft tissues that are commonly used for infants.
- Reduce pain by sitting in warm water (sitz bath) three or four times a day for 10 to 15 minutes. You can also apply an ice bag or cold compresses on the anal area for about ten minutes, three or four times a day to reduce swelling of the blood vessels.
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