Placenta previa is the placenta which is implementation on the lower segment of the uterus and cover most or all of the ostium internum uteri so that the layout of the placenta covering the way to born. The placenta is a network that is formed in the womb during pregnancy. The placenta is functioning bring food and oxygen from the mother to the fetus and remove waste products and carbon dioxide from the fetus to the mother through the umbilical cord.

The placenta is usually formed along the upper part of the uterus. In placenta previa, the placenta is attached near or covering the cervix (opening of the uterus leading into the vagina). This can interfere with the process of the birth of a baby due to placenta covering the street was born. There are three types of placenta previa:

- Complete placenta previa (total): the internal cervical opening is completely covered in placenta.
- Partial placenta previa: the internal cervical opening partially covered with placenta.
- Marginal placenta previa: the placenta on the edge of the internal cervical opening.

Symptoms of placenta previa
Placenta previa symptoms the most common is bleeding pussy pink, especially during the third trimester of pregnancy. Bleeding a little and occasionally may occur during the first and second trimester. The bleeding is usually not accompanied by pain, although uterine cramping may occur in some women. Most women do not bleed at all.

Bleeding may occur when the placenta is detached from the uterine wall. On a third-trimester uterine wall becomes thinner and stretched to accommodate the fetus. The placenta attached to very low on the wall of the uterus and the thinning can stretch can be detached from the uterine wall, causing bleeding. Delivery may have to be accelerated by caesarean section when the amount of bleeding and fetal age is already sufficient.

- Have the egg attached to very low in the uterus.
- Have problems lining of the uterus (endometrium) such as fibroids or other conditions.
- Have a grate in the wall of the uterus from a previous pregnancy (placenta previa before, curette, uterine surgery, Caesarean or abortion).
- Multiple pregnancy (twins).
- Possibility of placenta previa doubled on this pregnancy.
- Never been pregnant several times before.
- The possibility of developing a previa sehat's mission was increased to 5% in women who had been pregnant 6 times or more.
- Smoking or cocaine use.

Treatment of placenta previa
There is no treatment to change the position of the placenta. When the position of the placenta remained blocking the road was born until the moment of birth, the doctor will advise you to undergo a caesarean section To handle placenta previa.
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