looked more high with right appearance. Everyone wish to appear amaze in front of others. The artists will try to draw and perfect in front of all his fans. Many celebrity you think being born with perfect. Actually not all celebrity have the appearance of being perfect. Many of them are not very slender or short. Here role fashion is important to help the celebrity to look perfect. They have to know how to have good looking and avoid fashion unsuitable. You too could anticipate deficiency and appear more perfect with this fashion tips which would make you looked more higher.

- Choose trousers with pieces that straight. Those of you that have legs are stout and short you shouldn't pick pants pease that it will reach your calf. You can select trousers with pieces that straight so these trousers it will reach legs and cover shoes or high heel on you. Trousers long and straight will make yourself appear higher.

- Avoid using the clothes or accessories that are very large in size. You must be wise in choosing accessories that will be a complementary fashion. If you choose a handbag or mirror is too large you can't stand out. Bags or accessories you precisely will be more dominant than your little body. You should be able to choose the size of the bag to suit your needs. You could be looking ahead to avoid people view dahul bad on you. If you still need to carry large bags, you can outsmart the belt and shoes with heels that are a bit high.

- Find out which color is best suited for your clothes. You do not mix or blend dress with contrasting colors. This will make you look slimmer. That does not mean you have to wear the same color for all the clothes, accessories and others. You will appear to be boring with the same color. You just have to wear the same color for shoes with your pants.

- When you want to look slimmer you should avoid clothing with horizontal motifs. With a vertical motif you would look slim and tall.

- Using vertical asesoris and also shirt with V neck model. If you can let your neck visible, you will look more slender and high. Use blazer or cardigan and let open without dikancingkan. You can also elect accessories are long and vertical synchronization as a ring of long. You also have to keep wise in choosing jewelry and no excess.

- Should use high heeels. This is the most effective way to look more slim and tall. You can choose high heels that are most ideal for you. Make sure you are comfortable wearing heels that high because if you're not comfortable, you won't look perfect.

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