There are two ways how to restore a woman's virginity. that is by way of operation and if You are afraid of surgery, you can perform a specific sports to tighten your vaginal muscles. The operation was the most appropriate way to restore a woman's virginity. This operation is the operation for restoring the Hymenal Ring. Usually paragynecologe can do this where they practice and perform local anesthesia.
You also need to choose the right materials to do the surgery, when you select the materials that hold up longer, the longer Your virginity can survive. In the operation of any part of the Hymenal Ring will be cut, then The Ring sewn back with all the stitches twisted, and hide the seam under the mucosal membranes. The Diameter of the Hymenal Ring that has been fixed is approximately one inch. After this, when you first had sexual intercourse, the man will surely feel the popping feeling and claim that you are still a Virgin.
that is a way how to overcome the lost virginity in a physical world, then how about mental? Might be a bit mentally tough when a woman loses her virginity, especially when a woman upholding traditional values during his life taught by her parents. Often a woman can become crazy because losing her virginity, although currently many women who didn't think it was important.
Usually women who experience mental disorders experienced tragic events in life such as rape victims, or accidents, resulting in loss of virginity is something that most ' destructive for the woman.
As with other women who are not particularly thinking about such matters. Whatever happens, whether due to the influence of Western life that predominantly we can through various media, or perhaps people consider ' virginity ' was something that ancient. More miserable again if the woman already don't care about this one and had sexual intercourse in vain. And AIDS were developed.
So that's about virginity, though many people already don't care anymore, but to avoid unwanted things you should guard it well. Restoring virginity.