obesity is the most common ailment experienced by humans. Improvement of the well-being of life turns out to not cover the possibility of the disease enters the human body, but in fact causes other diseases arise. Obesity is a condition where the body is experiencing excessive fat deposits that have excess weight.

Human need fats in the body that serves as energy, partition heat and absorption function shocks and other. But we need to know comparison normally namely of the total weight amounts of fat is 25-30 % in females while in guy is 18-23 %. More than this number be called obesity. Person having weight more 20 % of the middle range of weight can be considered obese and classified into three groups obesity following:

- Mild Obesity, those who have overweight 20-40%.
- Moderate Obesity is that those who have excess weight 41-100%.
- Weight Obesity those who have excess weight up to more than 100% and there are about 5% was found in the obese people in the world.

However, we also need to note that there is a build up of fat that is still in the stage of reasonable. In women tend to experience a build up of fat on the hips and buttocks so that the shape of her body became like a PEAR. In men tend to undergo abdominal fat deposits that form his body like apples. However at the time such as menopause, women can experience the body shape like the Apple and man like pear. Well, those who are at risk of obesity is the stockpiling of fat on the stomach. Therefore, the image of the body shape like pears are actually nicer than the description of a body shape like fruit.

Obesity cause
What is obesity cause? Some say pattern unhealthy life is the trigger. Yes, one of them is that. Following some cause obesity that we should know:

1. family history
Genetic factors is one of the causes of obesity. Genetic factors contribute by 33% of the weight of a person. But did you know that in fact not only genes are passed on to offspring but also a pattern of life that is already conditioned by a family. So if parents tend to eat a lot of fat and then his children will follow suit, not to mention because the parents also get used like that.

2. psychological Factors The mind can also affect a person's eating habits. As such, the reaction to the emotion could be dilampiaskan on the eating habits of many.

3. environment
The environment includes a pattern or a lifestyle that is done by someone. Well, these environmental factors i.e., activity and food consumed can be one of the most dangerous obesity triggers. Genetic factors cannot be changed, but environmental factors can be adjusted. & lt;/p> Obesity can not be underestimated! This disease can be a trigger for other harmful diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke, heart disease and many other diseases. Therefore, someone who already has signs of obesity should immediately improve the pattern of her life in order not to adversely affected others.

Before experiencing obesity would be better to watch out for. You can control yourself in terms of consumption of food and especially fatty is excessive. By doing enough physical activity so we can prevent the disease of obesity. Any healthy diet is sometimes needed if it's almost or who already get obesity.
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