Muscle strain is a condition that occurs as a result of activities that make the muscles are interested more than its capacity. Unlike a sprain is a trauma to the ligaments. Muscle strains happen due to sudden movements are done and or too heavy. What happened could be also light weight up to tearing of muscle fibers.

Symptoms of Muscle Strain:
1. Swollen, reddish to bluish on the location of the pain.
2. When be retired still feels pain.
3. increased Pain when the muscles that are interested is driven.
4. Feels weak on the part that is problematic.
5. to not be wearing the muscles at all.

Muscles that often injuries:
1. adductor Muscle. Usual injury while playing football.
2. Muscle flexor of the pelvis. Used when kicking the movement, so often while playing football and martial sport.
3. quadriceps Muscles. The muscles in the thigh that straighten the knee so that the movement is in charge of running, kicking, and jumping can make this muscle injury.
4. hamstring muscles. Located in the back of the thighs are very active when running, so often does injury to sprinter runner.

Handling of Muscle Strain :
- give cold compress, do not warm like oil given the wind, balsam. A cold compress by wrapping the ice in a towel or wear a fabric/ice pack sold in the pharmacy.
- When the swelling has reduced, given a new warm. When given a warm direct will aggravate the condition of swollen and instead will increase the pain.
- When compressing, the position of the muscles in a State of pain straight, not bent. Compressing is done for 20 minutes every hour.
- Medication pain relievers and anti-inflammatory can be used (do not use steroids). The drug is sold freely in pharmacies. Such as paracetamol, ibuprofen, etc.
- Then take care of the sick, to avoid further trauma, the rest with a higher position of the body.
- After recovering, don't do movements that give the burden too heavy in the muscle that never hurts.

Muscle strain healing process begins with the inflammatory response can happen for 3-5 days. During this time the muscle must be retired and never worn. During this time also the body produce chemical substances that break down the muscle fibers are broken and start the repair process. The process runs in 3 stages:

1. the regeneration of fibers muscle.
2. the formation of scar tissue. The goal is to make the muscles more resistant to damage.
3. the maturing of scar tissue. Collagen fibers which make connective tissue are United so much stronger against the pressure.

Muscle Strain prevention
1. Do stretching on a regular basis, in order for the movement while working and exercising does not cause trauma to the muscle.
2. more importantly warm-up properly before each workout. The muscles will be more flexible when the temperature rises or pliable 1 to 2 degrees. A good warm-up is approximately 20 minutes.
3. Do the perfect relaxation also each completed work or work physically strenuous.
4. also important is maintaining the capacity of muscle strength with regular giving movement and exercise.
5. before doing heavy work or work out the weight, it is recommended to consume high carbohydrate food 48 hours earlier. This is useful as a fuel in muscles contracting. 6. Drinking is also the thing that should not be forgotten in the keep the muscles do not easily affected by injury.
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