gestational diabetes is insulin production which is insufficient during pregnancy that causes his blood sugar regulation worsens. His blood sugar gets too high, especially after eating.

The gestational diabetes danger
Gestational Diabetes raises the risk of pregnancy complications endangering pregnant mother and her baby. The risk of complications for pregnant women include gestational hypertension (pre-eklamsia), edema (swelling), amniotic fluid too much, gave birth to a baby bigger than normal size (makrosomia) and preterm labor. The potential risk to the baby include jaundice, low blood sugar and breathing difficulties at birth.

Babies whose mothers are exposed to gestational diabetes tend to have greater weight because he has to make extra insulin to control blood sugar is high, so the fat reserves and its huge. This can make the process of birth is difficult and often had to be by caesarean section. The baby may also have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) after birth because of its high levels of insulin. Some studies show that babies born from mothers who suffer from gestational diabetes are more at risk of exposure to type 2 diabetes and obesity in their adult life.

Gestational diabetes cause
The cause of diabetes of pregnancy is suspected because of the need of insulin was increased to 2-3 times higher during pregnancy. On the other hand, a number of hormones are necessary to encourage the growth of the fetus acted contrary to insulin. If the effects of hormones outweighed the mother's ability to produce sufficient insulin, the blood glucose levels will increase.

Gestational diabetes Symptoms
Gestational Diabetes generally does not cause any symptoms. When there are symptoms, complaints may be felt are common symptoms of diabetes such as continuous thirst, frequent urination, and quickly tired.

Gestational Diabetes is a temporary type of diabetes that disappear on its own after the baby is born. During pregnancy, diabetes can be managed through diet and exercise, including:
- increasing the amount of exercise that is as safe as swimming, running or gymnastics pregnancy.
- Keep the amount of fat you eat.
- Reduce your intake of salt.
- Add a serving of fruits and vegetables in meals everyday.

Gestational Diabetes Prevention
Being overweight is a major risk factor of diabetes of pregnancy. You are above normal weight body encouraged to lose weight before pregnancy. Other risk factors such as heredity, age and a history of the disease are the things outside of your control.
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