Decrease testosterone hormone. With increasing age the production of the hormone testosterone declining gradually. If decreased more than it should, man can experience a variety of various specific symptoms and complications.
Following the production of the hormone testosterone sign decreased in men, among others:
1. Low Sex Passion. Testosterone plays a role in regulating a man libido. Along with increasing age, most men will experience more drastic decline of passion sex. Low levels of testosterone can also make you hard to achieve orgasm.
2. Erectile Difficulties. Testosterone hormone also helps men achieve erections. Testosterone alone does not cause an erection, but stimulate receptors in the brain to produce nitric oxide-a molecule that triggers an erection. Low testosterone is associated with many conditions that cause erectile dysfunction, including obesity and diabetes atherosclerosis.
3. Low production of cement Liquid. Testosterone also plays in the production of semen, the fluid that helps sperm development. Men with low testosterone will see a decrease in the number of sperm volume when ejaculation.
4. Hair loss. Influenced also by the production of hair hormone testosterone. Baldness is indeed a natural thing when men grow older, but men with low testosterone may experience hair loss more quickly before his old age.
5. Easily tired. Men with low testosterone hormones tend to be easier and less energetic in its activities on a daily basis.
6. loss of muscle mass. Because testosterone also has a role in the development and strengthening of muscles, men with low testosterone may experience a decrease in muscle mass and strength, especially in the hands, feet, or chest.
7. Overweight. Men with low testosterone may experience an increase in body fat. Although the reason behind this is obviously less so, studies have shown that genes that control body fat percentage is also responsible for the level of circulating testosterone in men.
8. Decrease in bone mass. The weakening of the bone or commonly referred to as osteoporosis is considered a condition that occurs only in women only. Men with low testosterone may also experience a bone because testosterone production pengeroposan can help strengthening bones. As a result men are more prone to fractures, usually in the hips, legs, ribs, and wrists.
9. Unstable Mood. Women often experience mood swings during menopause, when estrogen levels decrease. Men with low testosterone levels may also be experiencing the same symptoms. Testosterone is often described as a ' fuel ' on man who can improve mood and mental capacity. Studies have shown that men with low testosterone are more likely to experience depression, irritability, or hard to focus the mind.