Normally, the body forms new bone tissue is absorbed by the body to balance the amount of bone tissue that broken down in the body. This is a natural process that occurs in the body of every human being. Throughout the early part of life, the amount of bone is missing and the number of obtained remain balanced. Bone mass (size and thickness) increase during childhood and early adult life, reaches a maximum at the age of 20 to 25.
Bone is composed of minerals such as calcium and phosphate, so the bone becomes hard and dense. If the body is unable to regulate mineral content in bones, the bones become less dense and more brittle, so there was a disease osteoporosis.
Bone density decreases slowly (especially in people with osteoporosis senilis), so at first the disease osteoporosis does not cause symptoms. Some patients have no symptoms of the disease osteoporosis.
Who is at risk of suffering from osteoporosis? According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF), osteoporosis is a major public health threat for more than 44 million Americans, or 55 percent of those who have aged 50 years or more. About 10 million people in the United States already has a history of osteoporosis disease and almost 34 million more have low bone mass, placing them at risk of osteoporosis. Eighty percent of those affected by osteoporosis are women.
Types of Osteoporosis:
1. Postmenopausal Osteoporosis Occurs due to lack of estrogen (the main hormone in women), who helped set up the transport of calcium into the bones of a woman.
2. Senilis Osteoporosis are probably a result of calcium deficiency that deals with age and imbalance between speed collapse of bone and new bone formation.
3. Secondary Osteoporosis experienced by less than 5% of people with osteoporosis, diseases caused by other medical conditions or by drugs.
4. Idiopathic Osteoporosis is a kind of disease Juvenil osteoporosis that the cause is unknown.
Symptoms Of Osteoporosis!
Many people confuse to differentiate between osteoporosis with arthritis and generally they are exposed to osteoporosis but thought herself exposed to arthritis waiting for symptoms such as swelling and aching joints occur before consulting a doctor. However, the mechanisms that cause arthritis is very different from that on osteoporosis osteoporosis symptoms, but will be realized when it was new in the advanced stage.
In the advanced stage where bone loss occurs faster than new bone formation drastically would be very easy to know someone affected by osteoporosis. Broken bones (vertebrae-spine, hips, arms, and other bones) is often occurs after a trauma, such as bending, lifting, jumping, or falling from a standing position.
That need to be prevented is sick, disability, and weakness that is common in the last stage of a disease of osteoporosis. Fracture compression of spinal early may not detected for a long time, but after most of calcium has been lost, the vertebræ began to collapse, gradually cause stooped posture called from kyphosis. Though it is usually no pain, from kyphosis cause the patient depopulate high his body and lost confidence.
Hormone affect osteoporosis.
Too much or too little of certain hormones in the body can contribute to disease osteoporosis. Especially for women during and after menopause, the ovaries make much less of the hormone estrogen. Loss of estrogen can also happen with surgical removal of the ovaries or due to excessive diet and exercise. Whereas estrogen helps protect the bones. Men produce testosterone less (and estrogen are produced in small quantities in males) with increasing age. A decrease in hormones can also cause the loss of the bone that can lead to osteoporosis.
Imbalance other hormones that can promote risk osteoporosis covering an overactive thyroid gland, diabetes, and hiperprolaktinemia, where the pituitary gland produces too much hormone prolaktin. An eating disorder, especially from anorexia nervosa, increases the risk of osteoporosis. Porous bone occurring partly because malnourished and to women, partly because the ovary stop function normally, producing little estrogen.