Hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone increasing, which raises the changes in the structure and bodily metabolic mother to support fetus development. Usually the body began to feel tired and emotions often start to fluctuate the mother be mad or glad unexpectedly. the breast is also beginning to feel the soft, due to increased production of the hormone progesterone. in one month pregnancy has not seen any magnification on the stomach.
Morning sickness are nausea or vomiting began to occur, changes in appetite and weight loss are unconscious.
That must be performed a candidate mother at the age of one month of pregnancy is begins to avoid any form of canned food or processed foods, meats are cooked medium, alcohol and sparkling drinks. As for a sport that can be done is walking, swimming and yoga.
One month fetus development
In addition the placenta also started to develop since the first month. Placenta spherical and serves to transfer nutrients from the mother to the baby and also carry waste from the baby.
Primary brain vesicles were formed, and the nervous system begins to develop. The heart is beating, started to malfunction and pump blood throughout the body of the fetus. The cells begin to form the forerunner organ like forerunner kidneys, lower jaw, the neck bones, face, hands, and feet.
Blood cells begin to take shape and circulation will be started and formed the dark circles for eyes. At the end of the first month of pregnancy, this baby is measuring about 6-7 mm (about the size of rice).