Many people assume, when a mother gave birth to her son with safe already, then finished it all matters. In fact, there are still important to be aware of, namely care of parturition. Although the form of mothers treatment after giving birth to himself, again it is up to the process of childbirth which bypassed forts. In a sense, is it normal/spontaneous, using tools such as a vacuum, or caesarean section.
Following a number of mothers treatment after giving birth are important to know.
1. Mothers treatment after giving birth on first two hour
The first two hours on a normal childbirth, the doctor will monitor the consciousness, blood pressure and breathing the mother. What's to know whether bleeding per vaginam or not. If everything is in good condition and did not happen, the mother bleeding will be sent to the treatment room. Whereas when there is bleeding will soon be dealt with. In a sense, found what causes the bleeding occurs. When her womb inevitably because of contracting, it will be given medicines that could strengthen contractions. When it is due to the rest of the placenta is left behind in the womb, it certainly will do the cleaning by kuretase
While in childbirth with action or sesar, a watchful eye done more intensively and thoroughly. One of them, assess whether those concerned can immediately dispose of the wind or not. Because even though it looks trivial, fart indicates whether the organs of the body part in are still under the influence of the drug or not. When it's fart, means work intestinal is medically was back to normal intestinal peristalsis and the movement is good. Normally, with a local anesthetic is no problem. Whereas with a stunning total of intestinal paralysis can occur. If so, of course already be compromised because it means all the organs of the body concerned was under the influence of narcotic
In addition, the doctor will assess the quality of the stitches and rips condition itself. Because of the use on childbirth/actions, such as with vacuum or forcep, usually broad, in rips and rectangular. In doing so should be more careful when sew them back. So when less scrupulous, such as any construction, could lead to bleeding. In addition to scrutiny also are there any rips rectum or not. Because when a torn rectum, the mother must abstain fibrous foods meal for about a week. In addition to having to consume food mushy and assisted laxatives to her defecation will only aggravating circumstances.
2. Vaginal Hygiene
Although the former stitches episiotomy still feels pain, maintain vaginal hygiene must be a major concern. Hasnah suggestions, use soft SOAP that sodium hidroksida was sharp. When it is reasonably correct, yet clean flush with antiseptic fluid is specific to the vagina. If just smothered in passing, the fats is clings to the walls of the vagina will overlap and continues to be sticky. Over time, a pile of fat just now would invite an infection that can result in the release of back stitches. If the infection and swelling had occurred, inevitably the way born had to be decompressed with rivanol in order for the network stays fresh. Of course it took a doctor's examination in addition to administering drugs to combat antibiotic infection itself.
3. Shrinkage in the womb
With a good contractions, uterine can be expected to return to the normal size without the aid of drugs. Due to the contraction in essence not only needed to remove the fetus during childbirth. But it also returns the uterus to its original shape and size, either in childbirth or normal childbirth with actions, such as vacuum, forcep or sesar. Automatically the uterus contracts on its own. Until when the contractions were strong enough or even nothing happens at all, should be suspected something was not right. Is it because an good Hb or there is something left in the uterus, such as the rest of the placenta. If an either Hb, such as under 9, there was no other way other than tranfusi blood. As for the rest of the placenta must be cleared through the action of kuretase.
Not less important, this contraction assisted shrinkage back the urinary tract which loosened up due to the increase in the uterus during pregnancy. It's just that these channels as well as his muscles will not automatically direct contract. It must be assisted through special gymnastics back tightening. While if allowed to slack will obviously very disturbing.
4. Must have much drink
Do not think is trivial, simple questions are often raised on postpartum patients. As such, I've been able to urinate? because being able to urinate and at least 1 times in 8 hours after childbirth could become the benchmark for assessing the condition of the mother in General.
If unable to defecate even urinate, means the process of involusi or diminution of the uterus will be hampered. Instead it's unlikely all occurred between, given the organ part in the bladder and intestine or rectum is located adjacent to the uterus. Disruption in one of these organs are of course made an impact on other organs. In other words, if there are still dirt accumulated in the rectum, uterine shrinkage process has so inhibited.
Well, in order to be able quickly to pee at once replace body fluids are a lot of wasted time of childbirth, after giving birth mothers are advised to drink a lot, at least 2-3 liters per day. For mothers who gave birth to a normal, problem drinking was first clearly no problem. That is, he may drink as much as he would if thirsty.
While the mothers who gave birth to sesar or vacuum, there are specific requirements that follow the terms of the operation in General, which is only allowed to drink as little as possible, such as enough to moisten the cotton. Even if those concerned have been able to fart. Because, due to the influence of narcotic, gut the rest if filled fluid through a large number of removals, bloated stomach will continue to be a problem. For example, the stomach so enlarged was in stitches enter network stretch that will inhibit wound healing. If in 6-8 first hour has not yet able to urinate or out just a little bit should be suspected of any urinary tract infection
that was some imperten to know about mothers treatment after giving birth