Cholesterol is also useful for the human body if it is still within the normal threshold. Cholesterol is known as High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) serves as a patron of the blood vessels of the process of atherosclerosis, the makers of the plaques on the walls of blood vessels.
On the threshold of the normal limit of cholesterol is at a size of 160-200 mg. However if cholesterol levels rise above 240mg, then it can be categorized as high cholesterol and can trigger heart disease or stroke.
High Cholesterol Symptoms
Sometimes for some people who have high cholesterol levels did not show symptoms. Usually because of circumstances such as these make a person's cholesterol levels cannot be controlled before the blood in the lab with saw deposits of cholesterol which then are known to have been the normal limit diambang. For some others, the symptoms of high cholesterol will be with the onset of various specific complaints, such as the joint feels sick, feel a sense of vertigo or migraine often relapse.
Normal cholesterol levels on every person it is not same. A very influential factor of a person's normal cholesterol levels, influenced by a variety of conditions, such as age, disease history, and how big a risk factor that he had.
How to lowering cholesterol levels
There are some foods that can lowering bad cholesterol levels or Low-Density Lipoproptein (LDL). These types of foods that can lower cholesterol levels.
1. Beans : are a source of soluble fiber that is so high, where the soluble fiber is capable of reducing levels of cholesterol levels. Therefore, the tomb of legumes (chickpeas, lentils, and beans) with routine during six weeks can reduce cholesterol by as much as ten percent.
Soy beans and processed foods such as tofu, soy milk, and wheat in it contains isoflavones (a substance that is capable of suppressing LDL). However, knowing and tempe may not effectively lowers cholesterol if treated arbitrarily. For example, fried in oil the rest mixed with coconut milk or coconut milk and cooking oil as a source of saturated fat. Food and drug Supervisory Agency of the United States (FDA) said that to lower cholesterol, consume a minimum of 25 grams of soy protein each day.
Mede nut, Almon, and Walnuts. The saturated fat content is not in single cashews, walnuts, almon, and very good for heart health because it is low in fat. All three mengndung vitamin E, magnesium, and of the phytochemicals that are closely related to heart health.
2. Avocado is a source of fatty, which is able to raise HDL level. But, avocados are high in calories so it should be mixed with vegetable-syuran suppressor calories. An avocado with a medium-size has 300 calories and 30 grams of unsaturated fat. In the meantime, needs normal human body i.e. 1,800 calories and 30 grams of unsaturated fat every day.
3. Salmon : Omega-3 Acid in salmon is an excellent for lowering LDL and trigiserilda and increased HDL. In addition, EPA and DHA in fish salmon was very good for heart health. The American Heart Association recommends that at least two servings per week to gain the maximum benefits. In addition to salmon, the consumption of other good, such as tuna, trout, sardines, mackerel, and vultures.
4. Garlic : is believed to contain a lot of the good substances to human health from thousands of years ago. The people of ancient Egypt use garlic to increase stamina. In modern times, garlic is used for lowering cholesterol levels, to protect the body from infection, prevent blood clotting, and lower blood pressure. Recent studies show that garlic can prevent cholesterol particles clinging to the walls of blood vessels.
5. Spinach is a vegetables that containing lot of lutein, which is an important substance that can maintain eye health and acuity function. Lutein was able to maintain heart health because it can prevent grease sticking on blood vessels. Therefore, sugested eating spinach half bowls per day to obtain maximum results.
some of knowledge that hopefully be useful to lowering cholesterol.