physical state similar to suffer mental illness. an attitude like to do at will own either way thought and behavior. This state of affairs occurred since young age, usually around the age of 2-3 years.
the characteristics of autism:
- Is not concerned with the social environment.
– Could not react normally in social intercourse.
- The development of speech and language is not normal
- Reaction or observation of environmental limited
the cause of autism is not known with certainty, only estimated due to a disorder of the nervous system and brain function abnormalities.
Treatment of autism
According to experts, the majority of child autism when identified symptoms quickly can be a good expert tanggulangi by mental illness, can grow to adulthood and can still do and useful to your fellow though everyday way of life by their own accord.
handling in an autistic child and tried to keep the atmosphere of the home and the environment is not too noisy. handling problems of an autistic child, among others:
- Reduced sensitivity to sound, the sense of perabaan skin, light, food and mengusahakanperubahan behavior that deviates.
- When the custom behavior and said its worse, the child is in need of guidance in particular.
- Practice talk and sign language is given to children who have disorders of language is heavy.
- More needed on autism psychoterapy child than for a child of autism is still a toddler.